Colorado Adequacy Study

Augenblick, Palaich and Associates, Inc. (APA), a Denver-based consulting firm, will be working in partnership with Picus Odden & Associates (POA), Afton Partners (Afton), and Colorado school finance expert Tracie Rainey to conduct the Colorado Input Based Financial Adequacy Study. The study team brings decades of experience conducting input-based adequacy studies across the country. An input study focuses on identifying the resources necessary to allow students, teachers, schools, and districts to meet state requirements and goals. The study team will implement two input-based adequacy approaches– the professional judgment (PJ) and evidence-based (EB) approaches– that both heavily reply on the expertise and experience of Colorado educators to identify resources and provide policymakers with an estimate of the costs to meet these standards. 

The study also includes three other main tasks: (1) a landscape analysis of current resourcing in Colorado schools and districts, (2) a community survey to understand how different stakeholders perceive and prioritize the resources needed to meet the needs of students and families, and (3) an examination of the current resources for special education students. In addition to these tasks, the study will examine the strengths and weaknesses of the current finance system along with the impacts of budget stabilization factor, COVID-19, and the wealth and income of communities. Finally, the study team will also examine teacher recruitment and retention strategies and the differences in costs of living/costs of doing business in districts across the state.  

The study began in early May and a final report will be delivered in December of this year.

The study team intends to be responsive to stakeholders and provide regular communication throughout the process, including providing updates here. Study team leaders Justin Silverstein, Michaela Tonking, and Tracie Rainey can be reached at,, and respectively.

Upcoming Study Activities

To implement the study successfully, APA and its partners will need participation from educators and stakeholders throughout the state in a number of ways: 

  • The community survey has been distributed. The study team hopes to get broad participation from parents and guardians, students, businesses leaders, and other community members. The study team will utilize various methods to distribute the survey but hope all education stakeholders and organizations in the state will help to get the word out about the survey and encourage participation.  

  • Educators will be needed to serve on PJ and EB panels, where they will be asked to identify the resources needed in different school and district configurations, and to address the additional needs of specific student groups (such as at-risk students or English Learners) or in certain settings. Additionally, as part of the special education study, focus groups will be held to better understand the current special education landscape. All panels and focus groups will be virtual, but with the timeline of the study, some will be held during the summer. We know this is not an ideal time for educators, but we encourage participation as this is an opportunity to provide input on the resources needed to best serve students. If you are interested in serving on the PJ panel use this form or the EB panel use this form.

    • School-level Panels - Occurred 8/7 and 8/8

    • Special Needs Panels - Planned for August 29th

    • Charter and District Panels - Planned for September 10th, 11th, and 12th

    • CFO Panel- Planned for Sept. 17th

    • Remote Panel - Planned for Sept. 23rd

    • Statewide Panel - Planned for September 25th